Deceptively Strong Watermelon Fresca
Cuatro's is on San Gabriel and 24th Street. There is a huge outdoor screen (great for watching sports) and the patio is dog friendly.
Sports-Watching Mechanism
Mmmmm..... Food.
The fish tacos also got rave reviews.
Whitefish Tacos
The queso looked about average but got a good overall response from the crowd. I checked out the menu, and although the platters did not have many vegetarian choices on them, the menu had it pretty well covered with portabella, veggie and Boca Burger tacos as well as quesadillas, veggie burgers and the other typical bar food items you would expect.
The Crowd: Eat This Lens, Austin Farm to Table, James Eats
I got to chat up with Cuatro for a while. He was a really nice guy. I asked him what he would want you to know about his restaurant and his answer was that he wants you to know that even though the location is near campus, it is not, I repeat NOT primarily a fraternity/sorority/student hangout. It's a great central location and he wants you to come out and just enjoy the food, drinks and atmosphere. Ironically, he told this to me as the they were setting up for a major sorority function in the room next to us.
Sorority Girls Next Door: For some that's a detractor, for other's a positive attribute
I was having a great time, so I stayed and split a pitcher of beer with friends I hadn't yet met. Yep, it's that kind of place. Or maybe just that kind of evening. Either way, I snapped this cool snapshot from my patio seat.
Bottom Line: Decent bar food and beer near campus.